Saturday , 27 July 2024

Tag Archives: Thrash Metal

The Kamala trio is a group of friends who decided to start a metal band in 2005. Both Karita and Päivi had played together a few covers, but failed to find a good drummer.

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Inharmonious born in 2005, when Julia (guitar), Adriana (guitar) and Jimena (drums) got together to play versions of their most revered acts. It did not take long to compose their own material, and with their foundations created, they decided to keep the band entirely female, which was completed with the bass Donaji, Isabel's voice and with Jimena replacing Yolanda on the sticks.

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One of the most succesful all-female thrash bands, interestingly, without having released any album. Formed on January 14th 1985 by Sabrina Kihlstrand and Pia Nyström, who met through an ad in a music store, Ice Age was completed with Sabrina's sister, Helena, and Tina Strömberg behind the drums.

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Charisse and Laura met up in August 1986 to form the core of Hari Kari. Charisse was a singer of some renown bands such as Femme Fatale, Slave, She or Lushus, and temporary bassist in Meanstreak. Laura by his side had given her voice to local acts such as Excalibur and Acid Reign.<

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Drakma fue uno de los primeros (y por entonces únicos) grupos de metal íntegramente femeninos de México. Muy activas y conocidas a principios de los 90, no llegaron nunca a publicar una demo oficial.

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Dracena, or basically the group of swedish Mia Larsson and her companions in turn, started in 1994. In fact today, almost fifteen years later, she keeps the name of Dracena herself.

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Cyber Angel was a Japanese band that lasted a short time, made by Yoshie and Takako. Yoshie decided to form a band when she was only 17 years, after listening to Megadeth.

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Buzz Cult is a band whose sound is ranged between death and thrash, coming from the country of the rising sun.

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Belle Gunness was a mid-tempo thrash act born in the Netherlands in 2004. Their band name coincides with that of a serial killer from Norway, who after seducing men they were killed and feed the pigs

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The most famous and prolific of the female extreme metal bands, Astarte, started off as a trio called Lloth. It was born in September 1995 and initially formed by Tristessa, who will be the core and Astarte's only permanent member since then, Nemesis on guitar, Kinthia and Psychoslaughter as a session drummer (as in many "all-female" bands)

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